Effect of Different Doses of QuitoMax on the Growth of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Seedlings

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Yarisbel Gómez Masjuan, M.Sc.
Norge Tornés Olivera, Ph.D.
Gustavo González Gómez, M.Sc.
Reidel Oduardo Sánchez, Eng.


The experiment was carried out in the laboratory at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Granma. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of QuitoMax on seed germination and the growth of cucumber seedlings. Four experimental variants were evaluated: 1.5, 1, 0.5, and 0.25  concentrations, in which the seeds were imbibed for 4 hours. The dynamics of germination, height, and fresh mass of the seedlings were evaluated 15 days after. The results showed the effect of QuitoMax on germination dynamics. The seeds in the 1.5  concentration underwent the shortest germination time, and showed the best effect on plant height. The fresh mass increased in the 1.5  concentration.


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The experiment was carried out in the laboratory at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Granma. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of QuitoMax on seed germination and the growth of cucumber seedlings. Four experimental variants were evaluated: 1.5, 1, 0.5, and 0.25  concentrations, in which the seeds were imbibed for 4 hours. The dynamics of germination, height, and fresh mass of the seedlings were evaluated 15 days after. The results showed the effect of QuitoMax on germination dynamics. The seeds in the 1.5  concentration underwent the shortest germination time, and showed the best effect on plant height. The fresh mass increased in the 1.5  concentration.

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Cómo citar
Gómez Masjuan, Y., Tornés Olivera, N., González Gómez, G., & Oduardo Sánchez, R. (2018). Effect of Different Doses of QuitoMax on the Growth of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Seedlings. Agrisost, 24(3), 160-165. Recuperado a partir de https://agrisost.reduc.edu.cu, agrisost.reduc.edu.cu, agrisost.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/agrisost/article/view/2708
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