Application of Bio-stimulants in Banana Vitroplant Production (Musa sp.)

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José Luis Montejo Viamontes
Dayana Socarrás Suárez
Jakeline Lourdes Carmenates Basulto
Pedro Jesús López Labarta


This research took place between February and April 2016, at the Center of Vitroplant Acclimatization of the Bio factory run by the Seed Company of Camaguey, in order to apply different bio-stimulants and evaluate the growth indicators observed during implementation of bio-organic alternatives to banana (Musa sp.) vitroplant production Polyethylene bags were used in the experiment, and the substrate contained 50% humus and 50% compost. The FHIA-03 variety was planted, following a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replicas. Natural Liquid Humus (NLH), Improved Liquid Humus (ILH), and Fortified Liquid Humus (FLH) were used as bio-organic products. Plant size, stem thickness, and leaf quantity were measured. All the data were statistically processed through simple variance analysis (ANOVA) to determine the significant differences. The Duncan multiple range test (P≤0.05), with 95% significance, was used for comparison of means. Data variance analysis was performed by SSPS, version 11.5.1, for Windows. The Duncan multiple range test (p:0.05) was performed when significant differences were observed. The application of bio-organic products containing FLH produced the highest benefits to crops for the indicators evaluated.  


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This research took place between February and April 2016, at the Center of Vitroplant Acclimatization of the Bio factory run by the Seed Company of Camaguey, in order to apply different bio-stimulants and evaluate the growth indicators observed during implementation of bio-organic alternatives to banana (Musa sp.) vitroplant production Polyethylene bags were used in the experiment, and the substrate contained 50% humus and 50% compost. The FHIA-03 variety was planted, following a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replicas. Natural Liquid Humus (NLH), Improved Liquid Humus (ILH), and Fortified Liquid Humus (FLH) were used as bio-organic products. Plant size, stem thickness, and leaf quantity were measured. All the data were statistically processed through simple variance analysis (ANOVA) to determine the significant differences. The Duncan multiple range test (P≤0.05), with 95% significance, was used for comparison of means. Data variance analysis was performed by SSPS, version 11.5.1, for Windows. The Duncan multiple range test (p:0.05) was performed when significant differences were observed. The application of bio-organic products containing FLH produced the highest benefits to crops for the indicators evaluated.  

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Cómo citar
Montejo Viamontes, J., Socarrás Suárez, D., Carmenates Basulto, J., & López Labarta, P. (2017). Application of Bio-stimulants in Banana Vitroplant Production (Musa sp.). Agrisost, 23(1), 32-38. Recuperado a partir de,,,
Artículos científicos


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